Hypnotherapy Services
What is Hypnosis?
Long perceived as the wizardry of magicians, health care is now rethinking hypnosis. Hypnosis can be defined as an altered state of consciousness, awareness, or perception. Hypnosis is a highly relaxed state in which a person’s conscious and subconscious mind is focused and receptive to positive suggestion and imagery. Almost everyone has experienced an altered state at some time in his or her life. Think of those times when you were driving to work and you get there not remembering passing streets or buildings totally unaware of what you were doing until you pulled into the parking lot What about when you or your children were so engrossed in a TV program that you were unaware that someone else had entered the room. These are the simplest explanations of what hypnosis is. No mind control, no giving away of secrets, not sleep just a safe and relaxed experience that is pleasant, refreshing and beneficial.
How is hypnosis typically used to treat physical or emotional problems?
Some examples of the utilization of hypnosis, by discipline, are:
Health Prevention – Habit control such as smoking, hair pulling and weight control, phobias, depression, anxiety, sexual problems, alcoholism, speech problems, chronic pain, self-esteem/ego strengthening, and memory/concentration improvement.
Medicine – Chronic pain, cancer pain, anesthesia and surgery, childbirth, psychosomatic disease, gynecology, control of bleeding, burn therapy, dermatology, pain control, irritable bowel, preparing for surgery, high blood pressure, diabetic treatment compliance, stress management, and much more.
Dentistry – Fear of dentistry, dental surgery, bruxism, control of bleeding, tongue biting, saliva control, orthodontia, gagging, ease of dentures, and general oral hygiene.
Other Uses– Sports enhancement, improve study habits, meditation, test anxiety, relaxation, enhance the immune system, sleep better, road rage, and healing from within.
Are there physical or emotional conditions, which do not lend themselves to hypnotic treatment?
Your free intake session will allow us to determine this and make the decision whether or not hypnotic treatment is appropriate. I will take your complete history in order to determine if there are physical or emotional conditions that would indicate if hypnosis would be inappropriate. I will probably not utilize hypnosis with individuals who display such physical problems as severe heart disease, or other major physical conditions where there might be a danger of masking an illness. Persons with significant emotional problems, such as borderline psychosis, may not be appropriate patients for hypnotherapeutic treatment unless their illness is controlled with mediation.
How long does hypnotic treatment take?
Length of hypnotic treatment is like most other treatment procedures. It will vary depending on the nature and severity of the problem. Treatment may be as short as one session for such things as phobias, to several sessions for other problems. Hypnosis is frequently used in conjunction with other forms of medical treatment. Hypnotic treatment is only one tool, and when used by itself the treatment is usually short term.
Will my health insurance cover the cost?
Most insurance companies do not cover hypnosis.
Are you struggling with sleep ?
Using hypnosis to shift wakeful patterns has several components, all working together to release whatever is keeping you awake while you create a new way of thinking about, feeling, and experiencing rest. This is a 3 class series that can be done in person or online. It’s life changing… or … better yet… sleep changing!!
Schedule a Consultation.
Single sessions and hypnotherapy packages are available to fit your needs and to help you achieve positive changes. Reach out for a free consultation to discuss your situation and goals.